Express Delivery

We push Logistics into a Promising Future

Why Aymakan

AyMakan works to meet customer requirements by adopting the latest technologies that lead to the integration of the various services that it provides in a quickly, easily, and safely manner.


Easy to handle dashboard. Multiple and simple communication methods


Aymakan has enough flexibility to fit all your business requirements


AyMakan takes safety to its highest standards


AyMakan has been providing outstanding services since 2014. we learned the E-stores needs by running our own E-store


The delivery rate is less than 48 hours in the kingdom.


AyMakan develops a work process that can keep up pace with your growth pace

How you Work With Us

An innovative service that provides pre-paid AWBs bundles to emerging stores, or stores with limited products. Ship now in less than 3 minutes!

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A special application for AyMakan designed specifically to serve individuals with shipping and delivery.

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Our Success Partners

We believe that the fuel for our progress are our partners who were the main reason in every success and development.