Tracking No: 173926
Current Status: Shipment is returned to shipper
Origin: Riyadh
Destination: Riyadh
  • Shipment Picked Up 05/03/2018 09:21 AM
  • In Transit 05/03/2018 01:36 PM
  • Received at City Warehouse 05/03/2018 02:21 PM
  • Returned 08/03/2018 02:12 PM
  • Delivered

Order History

Shipment Updates

  • Shipment is returned to shipper
    08/03/2018 02:12 PM
  • بالانتظار لتلكيد الطلب من العميل
    05/03/2018 02:24 PM
  • Shipment is received at Riyadh hub
    05/03/2018 02:21 PM
  • Shipment was collected from collection point
    05/03/2018 01:36 PM
  • Waybill created. Shipment has not been received from the shipper
    05/03/2018 09:21 AM